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8 Packing Tips For DIY Moving


No one ever describes the moving process as fun. From start to finish, the whole move can be all-consuming but there are many things you can do that will make the DIY process of moving much smoother.

Planning the move, packing everything, transporting it all safely and cleaning both properties can be exhausting. Moving is often expensive too and while paying someone to pack and move for you saves time and a whole lot of frustration, many of us can not afford such a luxury.
Start Early
It usually takes weeks to pack an entire house, so start early to decrease stress. Arrange your boxes with a certain number allocated to each room, and make sure you have all the moving supplies you’re going to need. Stock up on newspaper, bubble wrap, coloured markers, quality scissors, a notebook, and packing tape in dispensers. Make sure you label each box with which room the items were from and which drawer or cupboard, where relevant.
Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter your life, reducing what you need to pack and unpack, which ultimately makes it easier to fit everything into your new home. Methodically go through each room and put aside anything you no longer need or use. You can either give these items away to charities, have a garage sale, or list it all on eBay, Gumtree, or Facebook. You might even cover some of your moving costs with the proceeds and will certainly feel much better with a few clear shelves before you’ve even started packing.
Pack Non-Essentials First
Firstly you should pack everything you use the least. For example, photos on display, large artworks, other ornaments and knick knacks. Packing away bookshelves and out-of-season clothes and shoes can be done early. Large or rolling suitcases are ideal for packing bulky or heavy items too.
Room By Room
Don’t go packing multiple rooms at once. Instead, pack as much as possible in one room before moving on to the next. Clearly label each box clearly and colour code each with a different colour for each room and keep track of the colours in the notebook. This makes it so much easier for you and your moving buddies to get the right boxes in the right rooms on moving day.
Clothes On Hangers
Buy some large size, heavy duty, drawstring garbage bags and pull them up over your clothes while they’re still hanging in the closet. You should aim for around 10 hangers for each garbage bag, then simply tie the bags around the hangers. This is by far the easiest and most efficient method of moving all of your clothes.
Photograph Cables
Remembering which cables go where for your entertainment appliances or computers is almost impossible. Snapping a few pics on your phone before you unplug them all will make life so much easier when working out exactly where they all plug them back in. Alternatively you can tag each cable by appliance so you can match them.

Safety First
Staying safe should be a priority when moving without professional help, because it can be physically taxing. Use moving equipment like trolleys where possible, take breaks often, stay hydrated, and always lift with your legs, not your back. Just take your time and think ahead.
Moving Kit
One of the most crucial requirements for a successful and stress-free move is a moving day kit. Pack a box with all your packing equipment, tools, a torch, paperwork, keys, and enough snacks and drinks to get you through the day.
Deciding to move without professional help might save you some money. Click here to see our First Home Buyer tips and learn more about the process of buying your first home.